Khatta Meetha photos and videos

Khatta Meetha (Hindi: खट्टा मीठा Hindi for “Sour Sweet” ) is a forthcoming Hindi movie directed by Priyadarshan which will star Akshay Kumar & Trisha Krishnan in the lead roles. It will be a satirical comedy film. Khatta Meetha is scheduled to be released on July 23, 2010. This film is produced under Akshay Kumar’s banner Hari Om Productions.

Trisha, debuted in the Tamil film Leysa Leysa (2002) directed by Priyadarshan, who recommended the actress to Akshay Kumar. “Priyadarshan introduced me to films. Now once again he is giving me a new dimension through his Hindi movie. I’m glad that Priyan has given me this opportunity and all I want is to do my best.” said the bubbly actress.


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